Cosme Decorte AQ Line
Kose changes the formula of Cosme Decorte AQ in AW2023. The sale day is 16th of Sep.
In Cosme Decorte products, they often use Alcohol and perfume. And if you are an oil prone, their products are generally not for you.
As we know, all the products in Cosme Decorte AQ line is made in Japan.
- 1. Cosme Decorte AQ Absolute Emulsion Micro Radiance
- 2. Cosme Decorte AQ Absolute Lotion Hydro Infuse
- 3. Cosme Decorte AQ Absolute Balm Cream Elastic
- 4. Cosme Decorte AQ Absolute Eye Cream Tight Focus
- 5. Cosme Decorte AQ Absolute Day Cream Awakening Protect
- 6. Cosme Decorte AQ Oil Infusion
- 7. Cosme Decorte AQ Cleansing Cream
- 8. Cosme Decorte AQ Washing Cream
- 9. Cosme Decorte AQ Botanical Pure Oil
Cosme Decorte AQ Absolute Emulsion Micro Radiance

Please apply this emulsion just after your face wash.
- 200ml
- Three types:
1 Airy Rich
2 Rich
3 Extra Rich - Made in Japan
Full: JPY15,080
Cosme Decorte AQ Absolute Lotion Hydro Infuse

Please apply this lotion after Cosme Decorte Emulsions.
- 200ml
- Three types:
1 Airy Rich
2 Rich
3 Extra Rich
Full: JPY15,080
Cosme Decorte AQ Absolute Balm Cream Elastic

- Night Cream
- 50g
Cosme Decorte AQ Absolute Eye Cream Tight Focus

- Eye Cream
- 15g
Cosme Decorte AQ Absolute Day Cream Awakening Protect

- Day Cream
- 50g
- SPF15 PA++
Note: Blow are not changed in AW2023.
Cosme Decorte AQ Oil Infusion

- 40ml
Cosme Decorte AQ Cleansing Cream

- Makeup Remover
- 116g
- Wipe or rinse well
- We recommend to use your face wash too
Cosme Decorte AQ Washing Cream

- Face Wash
- 129g
Cosme Decorte AQ Botanical Pure Oil

- 40ml