Notifications from the store.

We are not able to handle limited products in 2025.


East & South Eastern Asia, USA, France & UK  are available, excluding Canada.

I go short vacation in March.

The orders placed after 4 of March would be generally shipped after 24th of March.

Also the orders placed after 10th of April would be generally shipped after May.

I don’t check the mail box while 7th of March to 21st of March, and 14th of April to 24th of April.

Please visit our blog: Notification

Your Request:

We are uploading products (almost) every day. If there are something you are looking for and not uploaded yet, please feel free to ask us from my blog: Contact Us

Summery of T&C:

The custom charges are not included.

We don’t accept refund or return after your payment. We inspect each item for quality before shipping it safety to you.

Please visit “How to Order

Lunasol Makeup for Cheeks


Basically we do not accept multiple purchasing of one product. When you want to purchase double pieces or more of one product, let’s discuss. It can be changed due to the situations; brands/ time lag to be shipped etc.

Lunasol Blush & Face Powders.

Lunasol Coloring Graze

  • Duo blush palette
  • 04 Rose Mood


Lunasol Cheeks

In Lunasol Cheeks line, there are refill, case, and brush. When you need a case or a brush, please purchase at least one “Cheeks”.

Lunasol Coloring Sheer Cheeks

#07 is New for AW2024. We accept your pre-order until 9th of Aug.


  • 04 Misty Veil
  • 05 Spring Breath
  • 06 Orchid Petal
  • 07 Petal Tulle

Refill: JPY4,290

If you need a case, please order it with at least one refill.

  • Case: JPY2,000

Lunasol Coloring Soft Cheeks


  • 01 Beige Red
  • 02 Rose Pink

Refill: JPY4,090

When you need case/ brush please order them with at least one refill.

  • Case: JPY2,000
  • Brush: JPY1,500

The shippings and the custom charges are not included on the price above. Please purchase a shipping box as your address.

We don’t accept refund or return after your payment. We inspect each item for quality before shipping it safety to you.

Please visit “How to Order

Shipping Prices Per a Shipping Box

  • Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea: JPY2,800
  • South East Asia: JPY3,000
  • Canada, Australia, and Europe: JPY4,800
  • USA: JPY5,000


Posted by cherry