Notifications from the store.

We are not able to handle limited products in 2025.


East & South Eastern Asia, USA, France & UK  are available, excluding Canada.

I go short vacation in March.

The orders placed after 4 of March would be generally shipped after 24th of March.

Also the orders placed after 10th of April would be generally shipped after May.

I don’t check the mail box while 7th of March to 21st of March, and 14th of April to 24th of April.

Please visit our blog: Notification

Your Request:

We are uploading products (almost) every day. If there are something you are looking for and not uploaded yet, please feel free to ask us from my blog: Contact Us

Summery of T&C:

The custom charges are not included.

We don’t accept refund or return after your payment. We inspect each item for quality before shipping it safety to you.

Please visit “How to Order

How To Order

Basically we do not accept multiple purchasing of one product. When you want to purchase double pieces or more of one product, let’s discuss. It can be changed due to the situations; brands/ time lag to be shipped etc.

We’d like to serve customers who want to have multiple products and save on shipping costs.

To Asia, USA, Canada, Australia, it is slowly, but working.

To Europe, Japan Post is accepting, but it is really slow, probably due to congestion on the airports.

We ship in EMS, but it may take for extra few days than usual to be delivered to you. It is due to COVID-19 issue, we are not able to control.

Please visit our blog: Notification

Here’s how to order:

1. In the Order Form below, please describe to us the following:

  • Due to your countries’ customs fees and regulations, please let us know the number of boxes if you want us to ship separately. Generally we ship via EMS.

2. We will send you back with calculating. As of Dec 2022, Small Packet is accepted by Japan Post to most of the countries, but we strongly recommend to choose EMS, for the safety shippings.

3. Please response our mail within 24 hours.

4. We will send you an Invoice through Paypal within 24 hours.

5. After sending the invoice, please make sure to pay within 24 hours so we can process your order.

6. We will ship to you as soon as possible (it often takes 5-7 Japanese business days for items to be delivered to us. When the orders are including the products we need to go to pick up, the obsession date is described on the bottom of the products article.)


  • You do not need to put your address in the Order Form; we use your Paypal address for shipping.
  • For your account’s safety, shipping address (including receiver’s name) and billing address (with purchaser’s name) must be the same. We refund you with the expenses of JPY1,000. If you want to use your family member’s Paypal account, the receiver’s name must be the account holder’s name.

Order Form

The shippings and the custom charges are not included on the price above. Please purchase a shipping box as your address.

We don’t accept refund or return after your payment. We inspect each item for quality before shipping it safety to you.

Please visit “How to Order

Shipping Prices Per a Shipping Box

  • Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea: JPY2,800
  • South East Asia: JPY3,000
  • Canada, Australia, and Europe: JPY4,800
  • USA: JPY5,000

Posted by cherry